
1. AbstractThis paper provides some simple calculations from AT Math and Physics on how stuttering may occur. We see that adrenaline affects the frequency of the human mind resulting in a nerve signal velocity that is too slow for the tongue muscle to respond, thus no clear speech.

2. Introductionstuttering. We have observed that stutters do worse under stress, yet, when not under stress, their speech is lucid. I hypothesize that it is adrenaline (norepinephrine) that leads to a worsening circumstance for stuttering to occur. We begin with the chemistry of adrenaline. Familiarity of AT Math is assumed. C9H13NO+9 H2O +2 ½ H2 ==> 9CH4+NO+4 ½ O2 Norepinephrine +Water ==> Methane + Nitrous Oxide +Oxygen 12.0107 x 9=108.0963 14.0067 x 1= 14.067 15.999 x 10=159.98 1.0008 x 36=36.288 Σ 318.43x6.023=1917.9 g 318.43~frequency of the human mind=1/π Freq=1/T=1/((1/t) E=1/t=3.141~π TE=M [0.15915] 3.141=M(0.15915) M=-1.9736 M=ln t t=exp(1.9736) =1.0199~102 t=KE=1/2Mv² 1.02=1/2 (1.9736) v² v²=1.03357 v=10.166 11.027 Δv=0.861 It takes 1/5 sec to utter a word. v=d/t 0.861=d/(1/5) d=1.722 1.722/√3=0.0994=ρblood t=KE=1/2ρ v² s=t=d 1.722=1/2(0.994)(v²) v=1.861 GMP E=-1.248~-1.25 The nerve signal is too slow for the tongue to respond with flight or fight adrenaline in the speaker’s system.

3. ConclusionWe see that perhaps it is adrenaline that worsens stutters speech

References1. Cusack PTE. Stuttering Mechanism. J of Psychiatry and Neuro Science. SAR. 2020.

Cusack PTE .Stuttering . Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2020