
Volume 10 Articles

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Volume 10 Articles

Unerupted Teeth, A New Symptom Of Amyloidosis?

Amyloidosis are rare diseases related to the pathological aggregation and accumulation of misfolded proteins in the extracellular space generating.....

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Relationship between Malnutrition and Anemia among In-Patient Children at Rahmah Teaching Hospital, Irbid-Northern Jorda

Anemia and malnutrition are common health problems in developing countries with children being the most vulnerable. They .....

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Synthetic Peptide LKEKK as Potential Antipsoriatic Drag

It has been established that the synthetic peptide LKEKK affects the ability of IL-12 to regulate the secretory activity of keratinocytes obtain.....

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The mass of the Milky Way galaxy

On the Basis of tabular values of the gravitational constant. The calculated mass of the nucleus of the milky way galaxy. The numerical value of the .....

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Atypical Presentation of Pyloric Stenosis in Babies in Critical Care

Pyloric stenosis usually presents with well defined symptoms and signs. However, these may be absent in neonates in intensive care for.....

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Rare Primary ThymicТ-Lymphoblastic LymphomaIn Childhood-Сlinical Case From Our Practice

Asstated in the current World Health Organization class ification, T-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma is a neoplasm of lympho- blasts committed to T-cell lineage involving bone marrow (BM), blood, or .....

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One Case of Abnormal Liver Function with Unknown Reason

One case of abnormal liver function with un- known reason was reported in this paper. It was a rare case with rare manifestations.....

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Case Report: A52-Year Healthy Woman Developed Severe Microwave Syndrome Shortly After Installation of a 5G Base Station Close to HerApartment

In this case report we present a woman aged 52 years who developed health problems consistent with the microwavesyndrome after installation of a 5G base station facing her apartment at 60 meters’distance.These symptoms consisted of e.g., headache, diz- ziness, concentration difficulties, fatigue, arrhythmia, skin burn- in gandnose bleeding corresponding to th emicrowavesyndrome .....

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Soliton Phenomena in the Process of the Functioning of the Heart

The biochemical model explains the intricate mechanisms of psy- chobiological life. He still cannot explain what the transition from inanimate to living matter is all about. Where is the threshold and what is its .....

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Comparison of Two The ories of Hearing

recognizesit and calculates the value of inertiain the ear byusing theformula: (2πx frequency)2 x amplitudexmassg/ mm/s2. For a threshold tone of 1,000 Hz and 0 dB, the inertia of the middle ear is 0.009859 g/mm/s2. For a tone of 10,000 Hz and 100 dB, the inertia of the middle ear is 98596 g/mm/s2. For each frequency, the value .....

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Multicentric and Prospective Trial of Vulvovaginitis Treatment Comparing Propionibacte- rium Extract [Immunovag®] With Metronidazole Plus Clotrimazole [Meclon®]

Vulvo-Vaginal Infections [VVI] strongly interferes with the wom- an’s quality of life. Antibiotic treatments, alone or combined with an antifungal compound, are commonly and successfully used. Nevertheless, .....

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Megaloblastic Anemia

Folic acid and cobalamin are B-group vitamins that play an es- sential role in many cellular processes in the body. Deficiency in one or both of these vitamins causes megaloblastic anaemia.This is a disease .....

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The Efficacy of Cisapride in Infants with GERD-Meta-Analysis

Infants often have gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), and Cisapride is prescribed for treatment. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of Cisapride in treating GERD in newborns, while considering its adverse effects and its removal from the market.....

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Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration After Covid-19 Vaccination: A One-Year Observational Single-Center Study

Due to widespread vaccination caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, a large proportion of the population has experienced shoulder pain after vaccination. Shoulder injury related to vaccine ......

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Safety and Efficacy of Microwave Ablation to Treat Pulmonary Nodules with Hydromorphone Versus Morphine

To compare the safety and efficacy of computed tomography-guided percutaneous microwave abla- tion (MWA) in treating pulmonary nodules under conscious anal- go-sedation with hydromorphone versus morphine. . .....

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Recurrent Pegfilgrastim-Associated Migratory Large Vessel Vasculitis in a Patient with Breast Cancer with Rare HLA Haplotype: A Case Report

Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (GCSF) rarely induces severe systemic vasculitis. However, diagnosing vasculitis can be challenging because clinical mani- festations in.....

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Paradoxes of the Theory of Gravity

Showing the contradictions in the physics calculations using the equations of the classical theory of gravitation. Alternatively, in- vestigate the physical properties of space objects on the basis of the .....

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A Pre-Neop lasticLesion: A Case Study

: The aim of this paper istoreporta case of Actinic Dermatosis in an 8-year-old female adult dog with erythematous skin. In the clinicalevaluation,the animalpre sented normal parameters for the .....

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Modified Elmslie-Trillat Technique for Knee Cap Dislocation: A Retrospective Study with 5 Patients and 1 Year Follow-Up

: Knee capdis location is a commonor thopedic injury that canlead tosignificantpain, instabilit yand kneedys function. Surgicalman- agement of knee cap dislocation involves various techniques in- cluding anteromedialisation and arthroscopic lateral release. The modified Elmslie-Trillat technique combines the set woprocedures .....

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The Chinese the Asia Tallest: How and When?

: Japan was a forerunner in rapid economic development in NE Asia after WWII, followed by South Korea with two decades behind due to Korean War (1950-53). Children in Japan started to increase in height.....

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Effect of an Intravenous Administration of Adipose-Tissue-Derived Autologous Stem Cellson the Skin Temperature of Paralyzed Limbs of Stroke Patients

: The hearing theory announced in the first half of the 20th century by Georg von Bekesy requires reviewing and updating. There has been a huge advancement in the sciences ever since, which allows to .....

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A New Vision of Hearing

: The hearing theory announced in the first half of the 20th century by Georg von Bekesy requires reviewing and updating. There has been a huge advancement in the sciences ever since, which allows to .....

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Managing Dysmenorrhoea and Chronic Pelvic Pain in Adolescence: A Guide for Clinicians

: Chronic pelvic pain and dysmenorrhoea are not so rare in adoles- cence. It is important to assess clinically young girls with these symptoms to exclude gynaecological conditions like endometrio- sis .....

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A Role for Nucleotide-Binding Oligomerization Domain (NOD)-Like Receptor Protein 12 (NLRP12) in Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): A Case Report and Literature Review

Paediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disease with a multifactorial etiology. The role of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain .....

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Nordic Appeal: More Stringent Regulatory Frame work on Microwave Radiation from Wireless Technologies is Needed - Stop Further Rollout of 5G

In recent years, people’s exposure to pulsed radiofrequency (RF) or microwave radiation from wireless technologies has exploded, mainly due to .....

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Treatment of Post Pelvic Surgery Lower LimbLymphedema UsingHerbal Medicine

: The reported case was a 40-year-old fe- male who was diagnosed as late uterine cervical cancer.....

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Successful Rechallenge of Hepaftocellular Carcinoma with Atezolizumab and Bevacizumab Following Disease Progression

Systemic therapies to treat Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC), a cancer with traditionally poor prognosis, have greatly advanced in the last five years with the advent of immunotherapies. The immune checkpoint inhibitor atezolizumab and anti-angiogen- ic agent bevacizumab combination therapy is now ....

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For Nutritionally Beautiful YOU...!

Antioxidant present in fruits and veggies may help you to do so. They help you to keep away from signs of ageing too. Blueberries, grapes and spinach are few. Supplements of omega 3 fatty acids or /and adding salmon, walnut is good to help give your skin a glow....

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Positive TESE after Orchidopexy of Bilatera Abdominal Cryptorchidisminan Adult: A Case Report

Undescendedtestisisacongenitalanomalythat is usually discovered in childhood and undergoes orchidopexy. Undiscovered adult patient with this condition usually undergoes orchiectomy due to atrophy of....

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Use of the EIS (Electrical Impedance Segmentography System) in Less-Invasive Surfactant Administration (LISA) in New-Borns Suffering from Respiratory Failure

Electrical Impedance Segmentog- raphy System simultaneously detects transthoracic impedance changes, which are directly proportional to the amount of gas vol- ume in the lung, allowing regional and dynamic monitoring of pul- monary ventilation in real time. It is a complementary technique to the most common methods used in the context of respiratory failure in the new-born. We want to demonstrate how a simple, non-invasive, free of radiation bedside monitoring method can provide us extemporaneous feedback about the ventilatory condi- tion of the new-born suffering from respiratory failure and treated with surfactant administration, even before the aid of an X-ray is required. ....

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Extraskeletal Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma of Maxillary Sinus :A Case Report

Extraskeletal Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma (ESMC) originating in the sinonasal tract has rarely been reported. Reports related to its imaging features are even rarer, which makes preoperative diagnosis ....

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Vascular Abnormalityin Hemodialysis-Associated Is chemic Priapism: A Case Report

Ischemic priapism is a rare condition with ful- lypenilerigidityandseverepain.Bloodtrappinginthepenisis a crucial pathophysiology for ischemic priapism, but the reason causing the blood trapping varies....

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A Novel Role of AIM2 Inflammasome-Mediated Pyroptosis in Radio frequency Ablation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Hepatic in flam mation and in flamma some-me- diated mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis of Hepato- cellular Carcinoma (HCC), and Absent in Melanoma 2 (AIM2) triggers activation of thein flamma some cascade.Untilnow....

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Severe Intracr an ial Subdural Hematoma Following Epidural Anaesthesia in Pregnancy:A Case Report

Severe headache is one of the quite common complication after a dural puncture procedure beitdi agnostic (lumbarpuncture) or unintentional....

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Functional Correction of the Musculos keletal Frame work-The Basis of the Therapy of a Self-Regulating System

The history of mankind dates back thousands of years, and only in recenty ears has the rebeenar apidinc rease in the percentage of cases,....


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Oxygen Uptake During Walking in Three Types of Microprocessor-Controlled Prosthetic Knee Joints in a Middle-Aged Male with Bilateral Transfemoral Amputation

Individuals with bilateral transfemoral amputations experience great difficulty in prosthetic ambulation in their community because of high....

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A Rare Complication Following SARS-Cov-2 Infection: ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Bilateral Pulmonary Embolism

Sars CoV-2 infection has been associated with a hyper coagulability leading to increasedin cidence of thromboembolism. However, it is exceedingly....

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School Children’s Height in Beijing

This joint report by a group of noted human biologists in Beijing examines secular growth of school boys and girls, 7 to 17 yearsofage,....

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Empyema Caused by Strept ococcus Constellatus: A Case Report

Streptococcus constellatus is an opportunistic pathogen of Streptococcus angina. It is easily to be ignored by routine clinical laboratory tests for it sprolonged an aerobiccultur e environment....

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Cervix Epithelioid Trophoblastic Tumor: A Rare Case Report and Review of the Literature

The epi the lioidtrop hoblastic tumour(ETT)is a veryrare type of gestational trophoblast neoplasm (GTN), accounting for 0.5%-2.0% of all GTNs. With the irunusual ability to simulate an invasive epithelioid neoplasm, ETTs frequently pose a diagnostic....

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Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Nasal Fossa: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the nasal cavity is a rare malignancy. It is a slowly progressive disease, characterized by local recurrences and distant metastases and requires early and adequate management. We report a case....

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Primary Bronchial Acinic Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is an uncommonfinding in young patient sunder age 35 and determination....

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Study On Clinical Features and Pathogenetic Factors Associated with Diabetic Foot Gangrene

Objective to explore the differences in clinical features, lesion location, and pat homechanism between different types of diabetic foot gangrene and provide....

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Multiple Meningiomas: Case Report and Review of Literature

We present a case of a 63-year old man with multiple meningiomas, with noevidence of neur of ibromatosis2....

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Loss of Taste, Smell and Oral Manifestations in COVID-19

COVID 19 mainly affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological systems but it al soinvolves the oralcavity, olfactory and integumentary systemn....

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A Valve Repair after In fective End ocarditis Secondary to Perforation Causedby Streptococcus Gordonii -ACase Report and Literature Review

We report a case of infective end ocardit is inapatient with congenital heartval velesions accompaniedby Strept ococcusgordonii in fection.A61-year-oldmanpre sented with recurrent fever for four months. Immune....

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Histomorphological Patterns of Hysterectomy Specimens in A Tertiary Care Hospital: A Two-Year Study

Hysterectomy is the secondmost commongyne cological surgery next to caesarean section.The indications for hysterectomy may vary from one region to another and histomor- phological pattern may also vary....

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Novel Pathogenic Variant of Fumarate Hydratase in Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome (HLRCC): A Case Report

Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma syndrome (HLRCC) is a rare genetic disease, which is caused by the mutation of fumarate hydratase (FH) gene and in- herited by autosomal dominance....

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AcuteST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction in a32-Year-Old MaleLess than 2Months after a Normal Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is an uncommonfinding in young patient sunder age 35 and determination....

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A Rare Case of Cortical Blindness Following Cysticercal Encephalitis in a Child

Neuro-cysticercosis, a parasitic infection of the brain caused by T. solium, is the most common central nervous system parasitosis globally. Seizures, headaches, hydrocephalus and varying degrees of loss of ....

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Eosinophilic Ascites Due to Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis: A Case Report and Review

Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (EGE) is a rare disease characterized by the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms with an abnormal eosinophilic infiltrate of the intestinal wall and exclusion of other causes of secondary....

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A Novel Frameshift Mutation in GPT2 Gene Found by Whole Exome Sequencing Causing Mental Retardation and Seizures

Some studies reported GTP2 gene missense mutations are associated with neurodevelopmental delay with spastic paraplegia and microcephaly. Here, we report a new frameshift mutation of this....

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A New Missense Mutation of SPTBN2 with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type5: A Case Repor

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 5 (SCA5), dominant spinocerebellar ataxia caused by mutations in the SPTBN2 gene, SCA5 is clinically described as a slowly progressive cere- bellar ataxia with little involvement of the brainstem or spinocere-bellar tract or brain, occurring mainly in adulthood....

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Epithelioid Angiosarcoma of Masticator Space: A Case Report of CT Manifestations and Follow-Up

Epithelioid Angiosarcoma (EA) is a special subtype of angiosarcoma, which is common in skin and connective tissue, and its incidence reaches the peak in men aging over 60 years old. EA occurring in masticator....

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Histopathology and Immunohis to chemical Examinations in Adenosqu amous Carcinoma, Cancer of the Stomach - Case Stud

The author spresenta case of gastricad enosqua mouscar cinomain a 62-year-old femalepatient. Amonthearlier, anadenocarcinoma infiltration was diagnosed during gastroscopy in the histopathological examination of specimens from the pyloric ulcer. Intraoperatively,....

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Giant Partially Thrombosed Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm Presenting with Cognitive Decline and Gait Disturbance

Aneurysms usually present with subarachnoid hemorrhage and signs of i ncreased in tracranial pressure. Patients who surviveafter their first bleeding , have an estimated annual risk of rebleeding which is 1.27%. Wepresenta....

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Disparity of Interstitial Glucose for Capillary Glucose in Dialysis Diabetic Patients

The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) has steadily increased and diabetes is now considered the leading cause of endstage kidney disease (ESRD). Glycemic control in chronic renal patients on dialysi....

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Age-Related Composition of BMI and Body Composition Basedon Fujimmon’s Growth Curve

The pubertal peak in body fat percentage was estimated and its relationship with menarche was previously investigated in regard tochanges with age in BMI ....

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Preliminary Study on the Application of “5G+AR” Portable Equipment for Emergency in Zhoushan Islands

The geographical environment of Zhoushan Islands makes it difficult for people to get standardized emergency treatment. Based on the current two hot technologies,....

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Successful Secundigravida in Fulminant Type 1Diabetes Mellitus: A Case Report

Purpose:Top resenta woman with successful secundigravida after being diagnosed fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus ....

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The Superiority of Amniotic Membrane in the Treatment of Aplasia Cutis Congenita

Aplasia cutis congenital (ACC) is a heterogeneous group of disorders that sharea common feature off ocalskin loss. In most cases, this is limited to the scalp, also involve other parts of the body ....

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Severeand Transient Thrombocytopenia Following the Third Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273): A Case Report

Autoimmune thrombocytopenia after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination rarely occursasadver seeven tsandusu- ally occurs after the first or second dose.We report the case of an 89-year-old woman....

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Coma Due to Wernicke Encephalopathy During Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

We report the case of a 49 yr., woman who developed a coma during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. Brain MRI was crucial for the diagnosis of Wernicke encephalopathy....

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A 16-Year-Old Girl with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

A 16-year-old girl was admitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pain that could not be relieved. She was initially misdiagnosed as enterocolitis and did not improve after symptomatic treatment,....

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Dr Charles James deVis, M.R.C.S.,L.S.A. England, Surge on to the Charters Towers Hospital, 1881-1892

Dr.Charles James de Viswasborn in West Bromwich, UK, qual- ified as a doctor in England, and migrated to Australia where he spentmost of his abbreviated working life in the north Queens land town of Charters Towers

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Why Korean Teens Started Declining in Height Growth in The Midst of Economic Prosperity: Despite Increasing Supply of Animal Protein?

In ten years after the end of WWII, Japan’s economy recovered to the prewar level and achieved fast and steady progress toward the 1990s. People, the young in particular learned to eat animal products and the teens grew in height nearly 10 cm by the early-1990s and plateaued in stature after that. South Korea was two decades behind Japan in....

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Long-Term Outcomesin Older Patients with Sepsisin the ICU: ARetrospective Study

This study compared the characteristics of older and younger patients with sepsis and analyzed the risk factors associated with 28-day and 90-day mortality in critically ill patients....

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Immunogenic Issues in Diabetes, Implications for Covid-19

This research is written by a person with Type 1 Diabetes diagnosed 44 years ago, treated with insulin 43 years, and with a 50- year career in healthcare....

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MRI-Guided Stereotactic Craniotomy to Set the Diagnosis of CNS Cryptococcosis. Case Report and Review of the International Literature

Cryptococcosis - a fungal infection - mainly caused by Cryptococcus Neoformans and Cryptococcus Gattii, may affect human central neural system ....

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Report of a Severe Case of Pancytopenia Caused by Chronic Brucellosis in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China

Brucellosis is a type of zoonotic infectious disease that causes serious harm to public health. Inner Mongolia has become one of the most severely. ....

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Big Bell Hospital, 1941-1955 - Papere

The ruins of the Big Bell Hospital slumber today under the intense sun of the remote West Australian outback. Between 1942 and 1955 it served a remarkably ..... ....

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